Tripolia Social Service Hospital

The Founder and Foundress

Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross

Founder of the Congregation of SCSC

Fr. Theodosius Florentini

(1808 - 1865)

Foundress of the Congregation of SCSC

Mother Maria Theresa Scherer

(1825 - 1888)

Saints of Our Congregation


Zdenka Schelingova

(1916 - 1955)

"'living a life of love means leaving all fear behind''


Ulrika Nisch

(1882 - 1913)

''Love Know no measures''

Our Charism

The source of our Charism lies in the compassionate love of God. Who emptied Himself in Jesus Christ even to the point of dying on a cross. (Phil. 2:7-8) This love deeply affected St. Francis and our Founders and urged them to take concrete action.

It also inspires us to make something of this love visible to others in our time and world. As Sisters of mercy of the Holy cross, we are aware that we are loved, called and sent: